Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Group and Teams Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Group and Teams Paper - Essay Example In this regard, the essay aims to proffer an explanation of the differences between a group and a team. Likewise, the importance of workplace diversity in an organization would be included and how it relates to team dynamics in the workplace and how it relates to team dynamics in the workplace. Differences Between Groups and Teams To distinguish between groups and teams, respective definitions are hereby noted. According to Martires and Fule (2004), a group is â€Å"a collection of people interacting with each other for fairly some time utilizing certain resources and methodologies to achieve common goals or interests† (p. 93). On the other hand, Clark (1997) defined a team as â€Å"a group of people coming together to collaborate. This collaboration is to reach a shared goal or task for which they hold themselves mutually accountable. A team is a group of people with a high degree of interdependence geared towards the achievement of a common goal or completion of a task rath er than just a group for administrative convenience† (par. 3). ... 1). Thereby, the role and participation of leaders and members in goals setting and decision- making differentiates one from the other. Further, the significant role that collaboration plays in a team separates it from a group. Importance of Workplace Diversity Greenberg (2006) defines diversity in the workplace as â€Å"the variety of differences between people in an organization†¦Diversity encompasses race, gender, ethnic group, age, personality, cognitive style, tenure, organizational function, education, background and more† (par. 1). The importance of workplace diversity is seen from the benefits accorded to both the employees and the organization. The research of Greenberg stipulates that diversity has the capacity for â€Å"increased adaptability, broader service range, variety of viewpoints, and more effective execution,† (pars. 4 – 6) among others. By supporting a diverse workforce, organizations foster a more balanced working environment as differe nt ideas, perspectives, and suggestions for strategies, problem-solving, and decision-making are readily available. Relation of Diversity to Team Dynamics in the Workplace Discoveries from diverse research indicate that diversity supports teambuilding and cohesion, increasing the dynamic interrelationships among teams within the organization. A study conducted by Davis and Bryant (2008) indicates that diverse teams surpass the performance of homogeneous teams in various aspects. The authors averred that â€Å"diverse environments also yield more effective collaboration and teamwork than homogenous teams. There are a variety of ways to solve a problem; leveraging the input of a diverse staff population helps organizations arrive at better decisions. You can’t underestimate the value of the creativity

Monday, October 28, 2019

Human Resources Integration Essay Example for Free

Human Resources Integration Essay Hugh McCauley, the Chief Operations Officer of Riordan Manufacturing, has placed a service request, SR-rm-022 to integrate all existing Human Resources tools into a single integrated application across all plant locations. The business would like to take advantage of a more sophisticated, state-of-the-art, information systems technology to replace their current Human Resources Information System or HRIS (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006.) In response to this request, this document will outline the following items. The information-gathering techniques and systems analysis tools proposed for this project. Critical factors to ensure the sucessful gathering of information required for the project. Description of the project scope and the areas of project feasibility, and key stakeholders of which requirements will be collected are also discussed. INFORMATION GATHERINT TECHNIQUES AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS TOOLS To ensure project success, it is important to gather your key stakeholders together to discuss the system. Key Stakeholders for this project would be key management personnel, IT staff, and users of both the legacy system, and the new system. Your key stakeholders will also be the first level of intelligence gathering performed. Key management personnel such as Hugh McCauley, the COO, who can give the corporate view of the legacy and the new system. HR Director Yvonne McMillian and Payroll/Tax Clerk Anan Richlich can give an exact use case on the HRIS system, and will be the two primary sources of legacy information. Director Yvonne can determine training requirements with the help of the IT department. The IT department can provide information about the legacy system and the capabilities of the current infrastructure of the business. IT can also judge and approve new requirements, privacy structures, and future support needed to maintain the  system. Face-to-face interviews will allow information gathering from these key individuals. Questions, an outline of topics, and a primary agenda will be provided beforehand to maximize the use of available time in hectic schedules. We will also be occasionally meeting to discuss the direction the system is heading, timelines, priorities, and key players lists to ensure success of the project. There is another primary source of information which needs addressing, and this is the group of people who handle information we will be adding which did not exist in the legacy system. This group can submit examples of their files, which will determine another part of the scope of the system, and use cases of how that information is gathered. After this information has been collected, documented and studied, the system development process can begin. The system will be designed using the Joint Application Development (JAD) method. JAD is a prototyping method which gathers our key players listed above, along with other designated individuals to collectively refine business requirements while in conference with the design team of the software and the support team from IT. The JAD process also includes approaches for enhancing user participation, expediting the development, and improving the quality of specifications. It consists of a workshop where knowledge workers and IT specialists meet, sometimes for several days, to define and review the business requirements for the system.† (Joint Application Design Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, n.d.) Using this prototyping method ensures that each key factors such as project support and misdirection will not be an issue. This also ensures that the project gets the continued support it will need in the future to succeed. SCOPE AND FEASIBILITY During the Analysis phase of the Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC), several areas of project feasibility come into play. As discussed above, determining fully the system requirements ensures that you are filling the need of the system. A preliminary study is then conducted to confirm and evaluate the need. A proposal of how the need may be satisfied is then made. (Scope of Feasibility Analysis | Bicara Property, n.d.) The necessity of the system, as well as the improvements and requirements of the new system, will all be handled within the JAD process, allowing final project scope and requirements development. These developments can be realized  financially to allow final budgetary requirements determination. All of these determinations hinge upon the proper system scope being defined. During this process, the unique considerations are also shared. In this project, the request was to Create a detailed system design and a project implementation plan required to complete the proj ect. The project should be completed in approximately six months allowing new system utilization in the second quarter of next year. (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006.) This design process includes checks and balances, giving the project the fullest chance of success. During the entire process, oversight will be maintained by corporate leadership. Final approval before entering the next phase of the SLDC allowing equipment purchasing approval from the COO, Hugh McCauley. By following this process, we can ensure this project produces a system which fulfills the requirements, bringing a sophisticated, state-of-the-art, information system† to Riordan Manufacturing’s Human Resources Department. (Riordan Manufacturing, 2006.) During the JAD process, two methods were determined to fit the requirements, building a system in-house using programmers’ already on staff or using off the shelf software from a major corporation. To fulfill user testing requirements, a trial version of the BambooHR software was tested by staff and management. The BambooHR software fulfills all the requirements with less downtime for the company, saving valuable resources and eliminating the need for more support staff to be hired. The design process for this system began by gathering relevant data for the current system and by building both requirements for the new system and use cases of the current processes in the Human Resources department. After gathering and sorting the new system requirements using the Joint Application Design process, it is now possible to continue to design both the application architecture and apply the tools of system analysis to describe the information systems. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The client/server architecture is one of the most prevalent system architectures used in corporations. With Riordans requirements to allow multiple sites access to data and to ensure that data remains secure, the data will be stored on the server, and access routed through a secondary  application server. The application server hosts the applications which access the data, allowing a lower cost local machine, and can allow both intranet access and outside access using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) connection to create a secure encrypted link between the client and the server. This style of client/server architecture is referred to as a three-tiered architecture due to the three tiers involved in accessing the data. Although this method may seem bulky at first, this will allow many different benefits for data security and lower overall cost of the system as requirements are lower for the client computers. The determined requirements for multiple locations to share and modify data leaving with Riordan only required to supply the client systems with no additional support necessary for a data server or application server. Eliminating the current architecture on hand will save maintenance, upgrade and support costs, both in monetary and staff requirements. The chosen software, Bamboo Human Information Resource System (HRIS) follows the same requirements recommended in terms of hardware as those designed using system analysis. ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM SECURITY CONTROLS Security is the ability to protect the information system from disruption and data loss, whether caused by an international act (e.g., a hacker or a terrorist attack) or a random event (e.g., disk failure, tornado.) according to SYSTEMS TEXTBOOK. In modern corporations, internal threats can become much more dangerous than external threats. To combat both types of threats implementation of the following security protocols will be included in the system: DATA Data must be kept secure and confidential, protected from both internal and external threats at all times. Data encryption and passwords will be used in addition to other security features to protect employees. Data stored externally to the server, such as the outsourced benefits data will be reviewed for security procedures and evaluated annually. Currently the data is decentralized, being stored in different offices and by various methods, creating a security problem that the new system can correct. The first step  to addressing this will be to ensure secure storage of all data. Consolidating data allows secure controls on the access each person has to the secured data by both the application used to access the server, and the access controls given them when they log in. This will also allow multiple applications to access the same data, while leaving greater flexibility to find the best software to fit multiple needs. Each user can add, remove, and manipulate only the data they are given access to, no matter the platform the data is being accessed form. PROCESSES Some legacy processes consolidation will occur as the data is consolidated, and certain processes would benefit from using third party software thereby gaining security certificates and minimizing the amount of knowledge and training required for our Information Technologies department. Many of the software suppliers will assist with training, modification and installation making the transition from the legacy system easier on staff. INTERFACES System interfaces describe how the system shares information with outside sources such as outsourced data, user requests, and internal data sharing. As Intrusion Detection and Identity Management systems will protect the internal data interfaces, as discussed above, the user interface design process needs to be addressed. As many of the users currently only have forms built for their information and no system to store them in, Riordan Manufacturing can evaluate different third party solutions for a web-based system. Using a web-based system, such as Bamboo HRIS allows applications to be placed on a remote server, lowering the cost of the clients used and saving valuable money and resources. Employees accessing the application server via the intranet will use username/password combinations to decrypt data on their local machine, while access from external sources, including employees at a remote site will use a private key encryption system to decrypt their data. This process minimizes the amount of data stored on the individual clients in case of theft or destruction of client resources. NETWORK The network consists of the backbone, data server, application server, firewall, and clients. There are four processes that will be used to protect  the network from unauthorized access: Implementation of Intrusion Detection System – This system conducts real-time monitoring of the network, database, traffic, and user access and activity to find possible intrusion or security risks. Log Management Program – Almost all software produces logs which store information on user access, file management, and data modification to name a few examples. Consolidating these logs into easier to read and understand can help identify potential security risks. Identity Management Systems – Control access to resources and data based on the users identification within the system, i.e. the users login credentials.   Training for Security Measures – The best security system will not function to its highest potential unless staff are trained in the use of the system. This training includes proper in-processing and out-processing procedures to protect from unauthorized access. Although the Systems Development Life Cycle is a continuous cycle, the final step for this Human Resources Information System project is the Implementation and Operations phase. This is the most expensive and time-consuming phase due to the amount of personnel, resources, and time involved. According to Valacich, George, and Hoffer (2012), there are seven major activities, coding, testing, installation, documentation, training, support, and maintenance. This document will explore the first six activities, giving a brief description and the plan for implementation at Riordan Manufacturing of the Bamboo Human Resources Information System. It is important to ensure that each of these activities are adequately defined, as many of them are conducted multiple times during the life of the system, and some are carried out on a daily basis. Building proper procedures for staff and support personnel to follow ensures that all upgrade or modification testing is accomplished to the same standards as the original system. CODING Coding is the process by which designs are transferred into the physical form that is computer software. As the selected system requires no coding, this  aspect will not be planned for TESTING Testing is an involved process which begins with the first section of code and continues throughout the life of the system. There are several different methods of testing in use today, some in which the code is run to verify operation and output, and some in which a code error review is conducted without operation. The Inspection method involves a physical inspection of the code, checking for syntax, grammar, or other fundamental errors before running the code while ignoring the purpose of the code. The inspection method usually removes the majority of errors found in the program. A Walkthrough allows testing of the code for functionality and to determine if the code fulfills the design requirements identified by the design team. Desk Checking, another form of checking and verifying code involves running the code with paper and pen to determine the logical validity of the code without running any lines of code. The previous methods of testing are focused on catching issues when writing code and may not apply to the code purchased off the shelf, or in modular form to work within an existing system. With the cost of development for code, especially in smaller companies this may not be a viable option, however even if purchasing prepackaged code, there are tests which should be run to ensure no problems will be found during installation. After the code has been validated by manual means, or for purchased code, it can be processed by a program, such as a compiler, to verify that there are no significant errors by Syntax Checking. Syntax Checking can also be run automatically each time the program saves a file to identify issues which arise causing the system to need maintenance. Code is generally written in modular form in todays environments, and there are methods of testing which lend themselves well to this. Unit testing is designed to test each individual module or unit to verify operation before the modules are combined together into a system. Testing individual modules may seem to be difficult as many modules share data and information, the way to fix any call errors is by using Stub Testing. During Stub testing, lines of instructions are inserted in the code to emulate a response from an outside source allowing the program to complete without errors. After testing the modules, they are combined and tested again during Integration testing, using a top-down approach to verifying communications and data sharing logic is sound. The final method  to discuss is System Testing, the act of testing the finalized system, using the same top-down approach from the Integration phase. The software chosen for Riordan Manufacturing to satisfy the needs listed is off-the-shelf giving limited testing requirements. Alpha Testing was accomplished during the final steps of the JAD, or Joint Application Design, process and beta testing will commence using key stakeholders in the project once final project approval has been given. INSTALLATION The installation process involves transitioning from the legacy system to the new system and can occur in several different approaches, direct, parallel, single location, and phased. â€Å"Each installation strategy involves converting not only software but also data and (potentially) hardware, documentation, work methods, job descriptions, offices and other facilities, training materials, business forms, and other aspects of the systems (Dennis, Wixom, Roth, 2012, ). Each of these different installation methods has their positive and negative aspects, and can be combined to fit the needs of the business requirements. The Direct Approach is a cold turkey shut down of the legacy system with no transition time, which can be dangerous if there are issues with the new system, or if support or training are lacking, however, this can drive the new system as there is no choice but success. In the Parallel installation method, the legacy system is left running allowing a safety net; however, this requires support for both systems causing increased cost to the business. A Single Location approach can allow for adjustments before all sites are brought online, however while the other locations continue to use the legacy system, data must be bridged between the two systems and the same additional costs of the Parallel system are incurred. Finally the Phased approach gradually transitions between the two systems, making transitions easier for the staff, yet limits the newer system to the constraints of the older system as they must share data. For Riordans new HRIS, the direct approach will be combined with the phased approach. Currently only the corporate site is using the legacy system, and phasing the other locations onto the system will allow training in phases by location. DOCUMENTATION Documentation of a system comes in several different forms each of utmost  importance. To ensure that the system can be adequately supported and repaired, System documentation is required. To ensure that users properly understand the system, User documentation such as a users guide, release description, system administrators guide, reference documentation and user acceptance are required. Systems documentation, users guide and reference documentation for this system is provided by Bamboo HR after purchase of the system is completed, and acceptance sign-off will be completed as the final step of the installation. TRAINING As systems can only function to the level at which users can operate the system, user training is tantamount to success of an installation. User training can occur in many different forms, classroom led training, literary resources, and online training, all of which are educational tools to heighten productivity and ensure system success. Support staff will also be trained to understand not only how the user accomplishes tasks within the system, but also the how the system performs these tasks if repair or maintenance is to be conducted. Training on the HRIS will be carried out by BambooHR using several different methods for different topics. As the system will be maintained by an outside company, the focus for Riordan will be user training. All staff will be trained using online methods with documentation support for using the new system as all pertinent employee information will be handled through the online system to include benefits, vacation time, and training. Specialist training will be available for the following procedures; benefit tracking, recruitment, employee and management training, employee tracking, login management, payroll activities, report management, change requests and performance reviews by BambooHR. In addition, IT support staff will receive refresher training in application program interface to allow for interactivity and continued development of the system as business needs change. SUPPORT Support of a system is conducted not only on the system itself, in terms of upgrades for the hardware and software, and backups of the data, but also support for the users. With any system, issues occur during use, and an avenue for users to report these quickly and accurately, and receive assistance for problems is required. Tracking these reported problems can  help system analysts and support staff determine if there is a fix for the software or hardware, or if more user training can solve the issues. CONCLUSION Purchasing the Bamboo HRIS program has both tangible and intangible benefits for Riordan Manufacturing. The financial aspect, $16,512 a year ($8 per employee for 172 regular employees) dwarfs the price of purchasing and installing the required hardware to run an on-site system, while removing the current outsourcing which exists for benefits management. Provided training, customer support, security support, data migration, business report design and security upgrades add to the overall corporate value and dispensing of the legacy system releases it support personnel while lowering utility and maintenance bills. Determinations of the proper level of support staffing needed to continue business operations after the legacy system retirement will be conducted to eliminate nonessential personnel. REFERENCES Cutler, T. P. (2015). Internal vs. external threats Digital locksmiths. Retrieved from Riordan Manufacturing (2006). Riordan Intranet. Retrieved March 15, 2015 from Service Requests.htm University of Phoenix 2005-2009 Unified Security Management USM Platform. (2015). Retrieved from Joint application design Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from Bicara, Bedes (2009). Bicara Property. Retrieved January 16, 2010 from BambooHR: Human resources software for small and medium businesses. (2015). Retrieved from Valacich, J. S., George, J. F., Hoffer, J. A. (2012). Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design (5th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Is Abortion Wrong Or Right? :: essays research papers

Abortion, in my opinion, is wrong, but, as it is obvious, it is not wrong in to other people. To make this fair, I have gotten a few people to make a statement about whether they were pro-life, or pro-choice and why. "Pro-choice. As a man, I don't believe that it is my choice to make as to whether a woman decides to keep her child or not. I do not believe that it is my place to pass judgement on all of womanhood when it comes to having an abortion or not. If the circumstances were different, say if the child was mine, then I believe that I have a say, but not for women that I have never, nor will ever meet." Jeff, 20, S.C. "Pro-choice, because women have the choice no matter what. That doesn't mean I'm for abortion though either, just the right to choose." Adrian, 18, Pennsylvania "I'm both. If someone gets raped and doesn't want to have a baby, and it's not their fault that it happened, they should be able to have an abortion because they should be free to live their life. but if someone knew about what would happen if they had sex and they weren't careful, and got pregnant, then they should deal with the consiquences." Lauren, 13, New York. "Pro-life.I think that abortion is morally wrong and it is scientifically proven that the baby is its own person with its own DNA and fingerprints. No one has the right to take a life but Christ. The baby is not part of the mothers body-she can't kill it;it is murder." Drea, 17, Texas. "When asked whether to choose sides on the issue of abortion, I am faced with an unusual quandry. In Michigan, only women have bearing on the baby/fetus while it is still in the womb. All paternal rights come after birth, not after conception. So if a man wants an aborition, but the woman doesn't, the baby is kept. But the converse occurs also; if a man wishes to keep it but the woman doesn't, the fetus is aborted. In my eyes men's paternal rights are beign trampled on because half of that baby/fetus' makeup is from the sperm. I dont side with either and in my eyes, all men should do the same in order to get a voice in raising our families.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Call for Freedom Essay

From the days pilgrims first kissed the land so rich, to the days they proclaimed the songs of liberty, America was indeed â€Å"the land of the free,† as Francis Scott Key once said. Those who flocked to America had the same dreams of freedom which they have been denied the right of in their mother land. They came to America with the pursuit of happiness. Once they obtained their happiness, their new found freedom, they undoubtedly revolted against all those who stood against their beloved treasure. Before any of this could be achieved, many struggled. Tears of anguish, disappear, and agony have been shed through years of hunger and slavery, yet little was done to give people the right to live as if â€Å"all men [were] created equal.† Many groups struggled to get the freedom we now have. I am Joaquin, Necessary to Protect Ourselves, and What Is An American all portray group struggles for freedom, which persuade others to fight for freedom many of us still have not ach ieved through the reader’s appeal to their emotions. I am Joaquin is a story of an immigrant â€Å"lost in a world of confusion.† This epic poem traces the adventure of Joaquin through his courageous deeds, which portray the values of his race. Using â€Å"loaded language† rich in connotations and vivid imagery, the author captures a scene of suffering, not just the suffering of one individual, but of his whole race. Phrases such as, â€Å"I shed the tears of anguish/ as I see my children disappear,† (lines 24-25) and â€Å"I have survived the toils and slavery/ of the fields,† (45-46) creates such imagery and terror in ones heart that they sympathize for the speaker and move them to agree with their call for freedom. The whole poem is a connotation for the speaker’s cry to just accept him for who he is. The reader can sympathize with the speaker’s feeling of rejection. This sympathy leads to acceptance, acceptance of the speaker and his call for freedom. Rejection is one of man’s greate st fears, fear that no one wants to feel. Out of the dread of feeling fear, one is inspired to fight, fight for freedoms they have not yet achieved. A little weaker on its emotional appeal is Malcom X’s interview with Les Crane, Necessary to Protect Ourselves, and What is an American. Malcom X  uses more of a logical and ethical appeal by making comments such as â€Å"I think all of us should be critics of each other. Whenever you can’t stand criticism you can never grow.† This comment, in contrast to the style of those made in I am Joaquin, which were more emotional rather than ethical, creates less of the urge to go out and make a difference. Rather than doing this, it creates a tone of hate, unlike in I am Joaquin where his comments created a tone of sympathy. This hate can be taken many negative ways which may cause someone’s intention to do good by turning to doing wrong by offending someone with criticism. The same tone is created in What is an American. By making Europe seem as a place that takes advantage of its people and makes them work laboriously, the reader is exposed to an anti-European feeling. Such phrases from What is an American as, â€Å"Can a wretch who wanders about, who works and starves, whose life is a continual scene of sore affliction or pinching penury-can that man call England or any other kingdom his country,† give this anti-European feeling and exaggerates to the truth to appeal to ones ethical senses that one should not have to live under these conditions. These stories do create inspiration, but inspiration that tells one to cause an uprising, which in the end might not be the most effective way to go. With much evaluation and contrast, it can be seen that the most effective call for freedom using appeals to ones emotional side is I am Joaquin. The â€Å"loaded language† rich in meanings and vivid imagery persuades one to go make a difference, a difference that is not only beneficial to themselves, but to generations after.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

To What Extent Was Nationalism the Main Cause of British Decolonisation

To what extent was nationalism the main cause of British decolonisation Decolonisation is the process by which empires disintegrated and colonies achieved in dependence. Britain decolonised between the years 1947 and 1964, nationalist movements was considered the main reason for decolonisation of the British Empire, but where other factors just as significant? Britain had flourished during the war with a victory however; this left them with severe financial and economical set-backs.The Second World War weakened the British economy this in turn reduced their imperial power to maintain control of their colonies, Britain often used emergencies; which allowed them to buy time from nationalists which would weaken their interest. They needed to ‘cling’ to their empire, as it was the only source of support for their economy, they were able to sell cheap goods for more and paying their workers a low wage added to their economy. Although some would argue that due to the low wage paid to the workers this caused them to not be able to buy thing as they were too expensive.Britain was shadowed by the United States and the Soviet Union, Britain’s status was way down the hierarchy, these two superpowers created an international climate which the reservation of the empire was rapidly difficult. However, the empire provided resistance from the US and USSR. Britain was also increasing the spending on nuclear weapons, rather than on weapons and soldiers in the cold war therefore, Britain couldn’t police the war. They needed army defence clearly nuclear dependence wasn’t needed.During the war time Japanese, Burma etc were revealing the weakness of the British imperial power, this gave hope to other territories starting with India. The nationalist’s movement was led by Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian nationalist’s congress to free India, India eventually through a lot of hardship gained independence this surely accounted as significant, it shows Britain’s weakness. This inspired other colonies to be freed and use Gandhi’s non-violent tactics, also made Britain powerless, no longer influential and loses their main sour of resources for trade etc.Due to the increased contact with African soldiers’ during the war, the Indians spread the word and soon African colonies wanted freedom, a self government and independence. Increasing colonial development which created an African middle class this helped with the nationalising of African colonies, as they had more knowledge, educated and now understand that they deserve freedom. By 1945 there was an increase in nationalist groups within Africa.Britain had loss India therefore they needed a much more productive Africa, Britain modernised them, they spent up to 120 million pounds, the money was mainly spent on a groundnuts investment in Tanzania the investment which failed caused a huge turnover in debt for Britain. Also creating the sterling area coloni es had to use pounds an attempt to make Britain much more economically productive, to improve their way of living this however, back-fired instead it encouraged nationalism activists to start really fighting for what they wanted as they thought if we have been educated we might as well use this to run our county on our own.Some people would argue that the Asian and African nationalist movements were chances for Britain to show that they really are powerful and can control these movements, also it made Britain more determined to keep their empire intact even if this meant violence. For example in India there were peaceful movement used although turned into violence as Britain wasn’t planning to lose, the famous day of the Amritsar Massacre, when people were protesting and were brutally shot down etc. Eventually Britain lost India and they gained their independence. On the other hand, Britain also failed to keep control in Palestine.Palestine gained independence in 1948 and bec ame known as Israel. However, it doesn’t end there, the Arabs and Jews conflict was increasing rapidly; the UK couldn’t keep control mainly because they didn’t have enough financial support needed to police the country, so they decided to leave and the conflict increased. Some people would argue this made Britain seem like cowards as they couldn’t finish what they’ve started. There were clear consequences outstanding to this slip-up, it made Britain appear weak and this inspired other colonies to protest.In 1956 the Suez crisis was a strong turning point for the world as it revealed Britain’s limitation from the beginning showing they couldn’t go any further both military and financially wise. This was obviously very humiliating for Britain, and Eden the prime minister at the time who decided this unintelligent action resigned soon after: under embarrassment, illegal invasion, rejection from the USA, the Frances trust in Britain vanis hed. The USA and USSR became the most dominant powers and left Britain behind.Britain lost whatever influence it had left on the Middle East, and some of Europe. Britain’s relationship with the USA was seriously damaged this caused a run on the pound the value of the dollar increased, also Britain lost its sovereignty as it was under the control of the Usa in terms of nuclear power as they had dual key which Britain needs the USA to do anything with it. Egypt was the first non- white country to challenge Britain and defeat them this, this dilemma caused far worst issues. Britain lost it influence nearly worldwide, as the world lost trust in them.That setback caused them to lose colonies because of nationalist movements such as the Gold coast in 1957, Nigeria in1961, Malaysia in 1962 etc. Britain needed to have European power but France no longer trusted in Britain. Britain’s problems at home weren’t any better; Eden just resigned after embarrassing the country. The public’s attitude at the time was that they were apathetic, they wanted and needed their own welfare: post-war recovery. Due to the increase in immigration the racism from the British increased too, for example a well known race riot in Notting hill.However Mc Milan becomes prime minister, he accepts the need of decolonisation and believes ‘the day of the empire is gone, modern days are arising’, the fact that most empires were decolonising such as France, Belgium, Portugal took the longest but eventually let go, this shows that there was no real benefit in keeping a colony. Mc Milan changes the foreign policy and restores the relationship with the USA as they agree with being anti-colonial anyway. He decides to focus on Europe were their chances of success was much greater.However, British conservative white settlers were reluctant to let go and believed that independence given to colonies were rushed without preparation. Mc Milan government concluded that t hey would leave as soon as possible. In conclusion, although nationalism appears to be the main cause of decolonisation, other factors were just as significant and more such as, post war financial issues, the Suez crisis Eden’s failure, etc. It looks to me that success usually comes through money and if the UK had financial support then they would still have their empire or have a huge status in the world.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How To Use Spanish Verbs With Locations

How To Use Spanish Verbs With Locations To say something or someone is somewhere in Spanish, it is most common to use the verb estar. For example, to say that Roberta is at home, you can say simply: Roberta est en casa. However, in some situations it is also possible to use ser, the main other verb for to be, as well as verbs used primarily for location. Estar vs. Ser When Referring to Location Although both are verbs for to be, estar and ser are seldom interchangeable, and that is true especially when they are used for location. Although estar typically is used to describe where a person or thing is located, when speaking of events ser must be used. One key to remember which verb to use is to note that if the verb can be translated as to take place or to be held, ser must be used. Some examples of estar used in reference to persons or things: Tim y Catalina nunca estaban en casa. (Tim and Catalina were never at home.)El restaurante est en Espaà ±a. (The restaurant is in Spain.)Yo salgo a la 1 de clase, para la 1:20 estarà © en la playa. (I am leaving class at 1 so I will be on the beach at 1:20.)Amri y su compaà ±era ya estn en Parà ­s. (Amri and her companion are already in Paris.)El coche est en el taller por una averà ­a. (The car is in the shop to get fixed.)Seattle est en el centro econà ³mico de la regià ³n conocida como Greater Puget Sound. (Seattle is in the regional economic center known as Greater Puget Sound.) Here are some examples of events that require the use of ser: La reunià ³n es en Valencia, Espaà ±a. (The meeting is in Valencia, Spain.)El partido La reunià ³n era en un retaurante selecto de Cartagena. (The meeting was in an exclusive restaurant in Cartagena.) en la capital estadounidense. (The game will be in the American capital.)La recepcià ³n de la boda fue en el restaurante Jjome Terrace. (The wedding reception was in the Jjome Terrace restaurant.) ¿Dà ³nde es el concierto que vemos? (Where is the concert were seeing?)Es posible que el debate fuera en un restaurante selecto de Cartagena. (Its possible the discussion was in an exclusive Cartagena restaurant.) Note how each of the sample sentences could also be translated by the appropriate tense of to occur or a phrase with a similar meaning. Sometimes, the meaning or even translation of the verbs subject can change depending on the whether ser or estar is used: El examen ser en la sala de conferencia. (The test will be in the conference hall. The test here refers to an event.)El examen estar en la mesa. (The test will be on the table. The test here refers to a document.)La obra ser en el teatro. (The play will be in the theater. A play is an event.)La obra estar en el museo. (The work of art will be in the museum. A work of art is something that can be touched.) Other Verbs of Location The two other verbs most often used to specify a location or ubicar and situar, which for this purpose are typically used in the form of estar past participle. In the present tense, translation of is, is located, and is situated are all possible. Nuestro hotel est ubicado en el corazà ³n de Buenos Aires. (Our hotel is in the heart of Buenos Aires.)La morada elegante est situada en la zona cosmopolita de Ciudad Quesada. (The elegant dwelling is in the cosmopolitan zone of Ciudad Quesada.)El pueblo de Maxtunil estaba ubicado cinco leguas al norte de Mà ©rida. (The pueblo of Maxtunil was five leagues north of Mà ©rida.)Nuestro segundo local va a estar situado en la calle Fernndez. (Our second shop is going to be on Fernndez Street.) Key Takeaways The verb estar, usually translated as to be, can be used to state where people and objects are.The verb ser, also typically meaning to be, is used to indicate where events take place.The verbs ubicar and situar can also be used to specify locations.

Monday, October 21, 2019

American Experience in Huck Finn Essays

American Experience in Huck Finn Essays American Experience in Huck Finn Essay American Experience in Huck Finn Essay Essay Topic: Mark Twain The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn â€Å"All modern American Literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn.. † claimed Ernest Hemingway, a American author and journalist. This quote represents the idea and perception of Huckleberry Finn as a defining moment in American Literature, a time when a new culture was being formed west of the Atlantic that had many different subjects and characteristics than that of the literature in Europe. What makes The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn so original and such a representation of America is that whatever Huckleberry Finn, the character, is about or can be defined by, is what America was all about. Through this complex character, Mark Twain was able to create a new American experience and show the reader all about it. The main characteristics of the American experience that Mark Twain represented through this character included a social commentary on the southern culture and its response to slavery and its general antebellum culture, the nature that defines America and how America defines its nature and the freedom from it, and the new anti-materialistic hero. The opening of the book deals with the most serious issue depicted; the idea of slavery and the response of the southerners to its injustices. The majority of the American experience of slavery and its response are shown through the relationship between the main protagonist, Huck and his friend Jim. When Jim first approaches Huck to tell him that he has run away from his master Huck replies, â€Å"People would call me a low down Abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum- but that don’t make no difference. I ain’t agoing to tell.. † (1379). In a time when it was illegal to aide slaves in their escape, Huck was just beginning to start his moral dilemma of his loyalties to the law, and his friendship with Jim. This brings about a side note on the American experience of slavery that is not as developed as the response to slavery in Huck and that is: how does a person act and feel in a society in which they have friends that can become slaves. In many Abolitionist books and essays at the time, the reader was directed to feel for the slave as a man, as a brother. They used emotions to show the hardships of the slaves and play upon the guilt of the white American to end slavery. In Huckleberry Finn, Twain asked the reader to determine how they would act on slavery when they saw their friends under servitude. This was a large issue because it brings out personal alliances with cultural alliances of the south. However, the main American experience Twain is trying to develop on slavery is not the personal relationship and whether or not slavery was a terrible issue, it was the southerners response to slavery. This is exemplified by two separate cases. The first is with slavery and Jim, and the second is with Huck’s abusive and drunken father who would â€Å"lay drunk with the hogs in the tanyard† (1359). Both of these issues were just symbols of the southern distorted culture of the time. A culture that could enslave a man, calls themselves good Christian men, and then falls asleep drunk. What is peculiar about this novel is not necessarily Twain’s feelings regarding the morality of this culture. It is fairly obvious that he disapproves of such and shows that it is a morally defunct society, but rather what makes this novel truly representative of the American experience is showing how even someone who is not morally corrupted acts upon it. Huck, who is shown through his helping of Jim and his friendship with Jim, clearly understands the injustice of slavery and the immoral acts his father does. What does he do about it though? Does he seek to transform this southern society through work or a mini-revolution? No, he just simply moves along. This is the central irony of the book, and thus represented of one of the ironies of the American experience in the 19th century. Huck Finn chooses to leave intact this society that is clearly in need of change, and just simply leaves the place behind. It shows that he is against slavery and the ideals of the south and thus won’t live in it, but he also won’t change it. This was one of the most prominent experiences of America in the 19th century. Many whites disagreed with slavery, but if it did not affect their lives, as they were not necessarily the culprit or the victim, they just went on living their lives. The most common feature of this novel is movement. While this was crucial in developing the irony that was the southern response to slavery, it is also important in itself. In this novel, the main characters are always going somewhere, leaving a place in which they didn’t like or had a bad experience, and moving on to the next. This sense of freedom from nature was feature that is distinctly American. In the novel, the river was a entral metaphor as it brought them food, their raft, but also gave them a means of transportation. The American experience of traveling for the sake of traveling and expanding yourself in nature is shown from their experiences with movement in the river. Huck Finn was a character who is always in motion, always free. This was seen by the fact that he did start out the trip trying to pr ovide freedom for Jim up the river, but when they passed Cairo he did not stop. In fact, the new route would take them to New Orleans, a slave-trading capital of the south at the time (Johnson). The freedom that nature provided Huck was seen by his depiction of the nights on the raft as â€Å"It’s lovely to live on a raft. We had the sky, up there, all speckled with stars.. † (1423). This freedom brings a release from the world of land, the towns where people were entrapped in a cycle of guns, alcohol, and racism. He does not see in moral meaning in nature like the transcendentalists of the time, rather it was an escape of the modern world, a place to have pleasant feelings. This freedom is an American experience. In just a purely physical sense, America has the opportunities for freedom. Vast lands, ample rivers, defined seasons all allow the American to seek freedom from society. This is something that was not seen in Europe as you were subjected to just your own country’s land through language, cultural, and physical barriers. This idea of jumping on a raft and finding your freedom, both spiritually as in the case of Huck and physically in the case of Jim, is something that represents a true American experience. This myth of the open frontier continued in writing for decades to come, a myth that would allow the individual American to escape the rapidly growing urban centers that were developing an uneducated middle-class. The last particularly American subject is the hero of the novel himself, Huck. Huck is envisioned as this romantic anti-society anti-inheritance hero. In coming-to-age novels of the time, many were determined to show the process the character mature, moving past their youthful selves and into a role of social acceptance of culture. Huck represents a new American subject, on who speaks as he wishes, and does as he wants. Because of his traveling lifestyle, Huck does not concern himself with inheritance or money for any matter. What mattered most for Huck in the story was the materials that made the journey possible. He was not concerned with his social class, his need for a life with a wife, kids, and money. This metaphor represents the American Anti-materialistic culture that was forming, and thus Twain depicted it as such in his story. The sense of anti-conformity culture was the subject, a view that was depicted primarily by Huck. To combat the idea that Huck was just a child, and this is how he was supposed to act, Twain introduces two characters. The Duke and Dauphin, con-artists who swindle people out of their money by performing productions represent the free nature, the anti-materialistic culture that Huck represents. While these two do act in order to obtain money, the goal of the money is not to obtain a higher social order, but to carry on in life. It supplies their thirst for fun. This was seen when after a heist, the Duke asks to count the money so that they can â€Å"take and give it to the girls† (1451). This shows that they went about their plan yes for the money, but the money was not an object that they desired; it is what it can be immediately used for that defines it. This was against the European experience of inheritance and the desire to better oneself in a Victorian fashion, and represented an American subject. Huck finds out throughout the story and the encounters with the people in the towns, how to live in order to escape the social conformity, thus creating his own identity. This idea of putting your obligations to you self-creation and fun, and not to the creation of a self that is defined by community or cultural standards was an effective approach to an American subject. In an extended metaphor, Huck Finn and his friends and acquaintances represent an American subject. Their reactions to slavery represent the blind eye and unwillingness to put about change in the southern culture of slavery and racism, a subject that would arguably represent the south to this day. At the same time, the river which took them away from their culture as opposed to fighting it, also represents the freedom of America, a subject Twain makes sure he repeats throughout the novel. Lastly, the characters themselves represent a new age of anti-materialism, a staunch contrast to the European idea of self-betterment for the sake of culture and standing. In all, these metaphors all show a new American subject. Cited: Twain, Mark. â€Å" The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. † The Harper Single Volume American Literature. Ed. McQuade et al. New York: Longman. 1999. 1355-1522 Walter Johnson, Soul by Soul: Life Inside the Antebellum Slave Market, Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1999, p. 2 and 6.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Is the Jet Stream and How It Affects Our Weather

What Is the Jet Stream and How It Affects Our Weather Youve probably heard the words jet stream many times while watching weather forecasts on TV. Thats because the jet stream and its location is key to forecasting where weather systems will travel. Without it, there would be nothing to help steer our daily weather from location to location. Rivers of Rapidly Moving Air Named for their similarity to fast moving jets of water, jet streams are bands of strong winds in the upper levels of the atmosphere. Jet streams form at the boundaries of contrasting air masses. When warm and cold air meet, the difference in their air pressures as a result of their temperature differences (recall that warm air is less dense, and cold air, more dense) causes air to flow from higher pressure (the warm air mass) to lower pressure (the cold air mass), thereby creating high winds. Because the differences in temperature, and therefore, pressure, are very large, so too is the strength of the resulting winds. Jet Stream Location, Speed,Direction Jet streams live at the tropopause (about 6 to 9 miles off  the ground) and are several thousand miles long. Jet stream winds range in speed from 120 to 250 mph, but can reach more than 275 mph. Oftentimes, the jet houses pockets of winds that move faster than the surrounding jet stream winds. These jet streaks play an important role in precipitation and storm formation. (If a jet streak is visually divided into fourths, like a pie, its left front and right rear quadrants are the most favorable for precipitation and storm development. If a weak  low pressure area  passes through either of these locations, it will quickly strengthen into a dangerous storm.) Jet  winds blow from west to east, but also meander north to south in a wave-shaped pattern. These waves and large ripples (known as planetary, or Rossby waves) form U-shaped troughs of low pressure that allow cold air to spill southwards, and upside-down U-shaped ridges of high pressure that bring warm air northwards.  Ã‚   Discovered by Weather Balloons One of the first names associated with the jet stream is Wasaburo Oishi. A Japanese meteorologist, Oishi discovered the jet stream in the 1920s while using weather balloons to track upper level winds near Mount Fuji. However, his work went unnoticed outside of Japan. In 1933, knowledge of the jet stream increased when American aviator Wiley Post began exploring long-distance, high-altitude flight. Despite these discoveries, the term jet stream was not coined until 1939 by German meteorologist Heinrich Seilkopf. Meet the Polar and Subtropical Jets While we typically talk about the jet stream as if there was only one, there are actually two: a polar jet stream and a subtropical jet stream. The Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere each have both a polar and a subtropical branch of the jet. The Polar Jet:  In North America, the polar jet is more commonly known as the jet or the mid-latitude jet (so-called because it occurs over the mid-latitudes).The Subtropical Jet:  The subtropical jet is named for its existence at 30 °N and 30 °S latitude- a climate zone known as the subtropics. It forms at the boundary temperature difference between air at mid-latitudes and warmer air near the equator. Unlike the polar jet, the subtropical jet is only present in the wintertime- the only time of year when temperature contrasts in the subtropics are strong enough to form jet winds. The subtropical jet is generally weaker than the polar jet. It is most pronounced over the western Pacific. Jet Position Changes With the Seasons Jet streams change position, location, and strength depending on the season. In the winter, areas in the Northern Hemisphere may get colder than normal periods as the jet stream dips lower bringing cold air in from the polar regions. Although the height of the jet stream is typically 20,000 feet or more, the influences on weather patterns can be substantial as well. High wind speeds can drive and direct storms creating devastating droughts and floods. A shift in the jet stream is a suspect in the causes of the Dust Bowl. In spring, the polar jet starts to journey north from its winter position along the lower third of the U.S., back to its permanent home at 50-60 °N latitude (over Canada). As the jet gradually lifts northward, highs and lows are steered along its path and across the regions where its currently positioned. Why does the jet stream move? Well, jet streams follow the Sun, Earths primary source of heat energy. Recall that in spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the Suns vertical rays go from striking the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 ° south latitude) to striking more northerly latitudes (until it reaches the Tropic of Cancer, 23.5 ° north latitude, on the summer solstice). As these northerly latitudes warm, the jet stream, which occurs near boundaries of cold and warm air masses, must also shift northward to remain at the opposing edge of warm and cool air. Locating Jets on Weather Maps On surface maps: Many news and media that broadcast weather forecasts show the jet stream as a moving band of arrows across the U.S., but  the jet stream isnt a standard feature of surface analysis maps. Heres an easy way to eyeball the jet position: since it steers high and low pressure systems, simply note where these are located and draw a continuous curved line in-between them, taking care to arch your line over highs and underneath lows. On upper level maps: The jet stream lives at heights of 30,000 to 40,000 feet above Earths surface. At these altitudes, atmospheric pressure equals around 200 to 300 mb; this is why the 200 and 300 mb level upper air charts are typically used for jet stream forecasting. When looking at other upper level maps, the jet position can be guessed by noting where pressure or wind contours are spaced close together.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Organic Foods Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organic Foods - Research Paper Example An entire industry dedicated to promoting organic food has established itself in recent years. So why the sudden attention towards organic food? What exactly is it about organic food that makes it popular? The answer is probably a simple one: organic food is very nutritious, chemical-free and provides a way of taking back your diet from the big agricultural companies that have come to dictate our diets to us and in some ways our whole lives. It is also a way of empowering people to make healthy choices about their bodies and the world around them. These products are worth the extra cost and are healthier than the alternative. As the middle class expanded more and more throughout the 1980s, people got richer and more affluent. They became more educated and the had more money in their pockets to spend as they saw fit. The result was that they wanted more choice. In the past people used to simply buy what was available to them in the supermarket, now however with more time and more education they have asked for more choice and more control over the products that they want to buy—in particular when it comes to something as important as food, what everyone needs to live and what can affect our health so profoundly. Instead of simply buying what the supermarket has on sale, consumers these days will read the labelling, look at nutritional information, and perhaps even perform research about food companies. There is a real impulse to buy ethical products, products that are environmentally friendly, and products that don’t harm the world around us. A newspaper reporter named Mark Bittman recently w rote in the New York Times: There’s plenty of evidence that both a person’s health — as well as the environment’s — will improve with a simple shift in eating habits away from animal products and highly processed foods to plant products and what might be called â€Å"real

Friday, October 18, 2019

Are people afraid of saying the truth against the government in public Essay

Are people afraid of saying the truth against the government in public - Essay Example However, governments often try to protect the interest of the public who voted in favor of them in the parliament elections. Thus lots of controversies will take place about the governmental policies among the public. Some people argue that people in a democratic country do not have the fear or concerns while opposing controversial governmental policies whereas some others argue that people are afraid of protesting against the controversial governmental policies. In this paper, I argue that in most of the times, general public are afraid of saying the truth against the government in public. Many people believe that, irrespective of rich or poor, people have the authority to protest against the governmental policies. However, in reality, poor people always stay away from protesting against the controversial governmental policies. Elite groups in the society always get lot of benefits from the government. Their influence on the government is comparatively more than that of the poor or disadvantaged people. Most of the politicians have the habit of approaching the poor people only when they were contesting elections. Thereafter, they will forget about the poor people. On the other hand, wealthy people or influential people always have a big say in the governmental policies. Therefore, their interests will be protected most of the times and the governmental policies affect only the poor people. As part of social security measures, governments give some benefits to the poor people. Governments can withdraw such benefits, if poor people protest against governmental policies. Such a fear prevents poor people from protesting against the government. The following report appeared on The guardian (Tuesday 22 January 2013) is relevant here. Campaigning charities are increasingly fearful of speaking out on behalf of vulnerable people because of the widespread

Business Litigation Law (International Business Law) Essay

Business Litigation Law (International Business Law) - Essay Example The paper concludes with summarization of the main point s discussed in the whole paper. Business litigation is a complex issue and area which involves many tort claims and contractual claims. Such claims many include the following fraud, breach of contract, the breach of fiduciary duty, unfair competition, infringement of intellectual property rights and tortuous interference with contract (Law Office 2012). In case any of the above disputes arise in a business setting, and the parties involved are unable to reach a conclusion through negotiation or arbitration, then, business litigation is applied in such instances in order to look for justice and also resolve the issue at hand. Business litigation does not only involve a business suing other businesses, even individuals have rights to sue businesses and also businesses also have rights to sue businesses. Corporate litigation and commercial insurance litigation are some of the sources of business litigation (James 2011). Corporate litigation arises when there is a corporate dispute caused by a breach of duty of fiduciary. A perfect example of corporate dispute is an instance where the shareholders in any given closely held corporation may recover against the leader or manager or even a corporate director if he or she breaches or goes against his or her fiduciary obligations. In commercial insurance litigation, such a dispute may arise when a commercial insurance company denies or undervalues a fair claim (James 2012). In such a circumstance, the victimized business has a right to sue the corporate insurance in order to recover the amount of money that he believes that he owns and entitled to. In many cases, such instances arise since many insurance companies put some clauses which they rely mostly on in any contract which will make them not to pay a fair claim to the other party. There are other many countless and countless areas in which business litigation can be used to resolve and settle any dispute among many businesses (Thorses 2005). In the case Ahmad et al, v. Foodmaker, Inc, a $ 58,000, 000 fine was paid in order to settle Jack Box food poisoning case on behalf of the corporation which was parent corporation Of Jack in the Box (Edward 1995). ( Micheal 2012). In the case County of San Diego v. RanchoVista Del Mar, a verdict of $55,000,000 was given which in history has ever been the largest condemnation verdict in history o United States at that period. The accused filed an appeal and finally the injured party was paid $40,000,000. In the case Border Business Park V. City o San Diego, there was a breach o contract by San Diego which resulted to the company paying a fine o $94, 500, 000 as jury verdict. After the judge compiled all the granted fees and interest which was charged in the case, the total amount that San Diego paid to the client was over $136,000,000 (Mash 2012). Another perfect example of business litigation case was People o the state o California V. Grigory Zubkis and Rimma Zubkis, et al where $2, 750,000 and when the interest was added 2, 790,000 settlement was paid or the case which involved the taking o a private residence in order to expand a road. The case was decided by Lead attorney Partner Daral Mazzarella (Thorses 2012). Conclusion In case any business dispute arises between two business entities or between a

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Role of Women in Politics and Power Creation Assignment

The Role of Women in Politics and Power Creation - Assignment Example Merely naming the pejorative stereotypes attributed to Black women (e.g. mammy, the matriarch, Sapphire, whore, bull dagger), let alone cataloging the cruel, often murderous, treatment we receive, Indicates how little value has been placed upon our lives during four centuries of bondage in the Western hemisphere. We realize that the only people who care enough about us to work consistently for our liberation are us. Our politics evolve from a healthy love for ourselves, our sisters, and our community, which allows us to continue our struggle and work. This focusing upon our own oppression is embodied in the concept of identity politics. We believe that the most profound and potentially most radical politics come directly out of our own identity, as opposed to working to end somebody else's oppression. In the case of Black women, this is a particularly repugnant, dangerous, threatening, and therefore revolutionary concept because it is obvious from looking at all the political movemen ts that have preceded us that anyone is more worthy of liberation than ourselves. We reject pedestals, queenhood, and walking ten paces behind. To be recognized as human, levelly human, is enough... ( Williams, Mary, & Emerson 2008)

BUSINESS RESEARCH AND CUNSULTANCY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

BUSINESS RESEARCH AND CUNSULTANCY - Essay Example My aim of the study was to suggest the name of the companies, who can act as the potential sponsors of the club. In order to present a reflection of the study, I will make use of Gibb’s (1998) reflective cycle. With the help of reflective cycle, I will develop the structure of my reflective essay. The structure of this reflective essay will be divided into seven broad segments. I will start off with the experiences I gained while making this project. The following segments will include the description of the study, feelings associated with the project and conclusion. Finally, I will be presenting my personal action plans for the future. Moreover, I also believe that this structure and method will help me to express how this project benefitted me and how I can apply the learning’s to the professional filed. The study was undertaken for the principal purpose of finding sponsors for Manchester Giants basketball club. In addition, our aim of the project was also to explore the possibilities of getting the right sponsor for the club. The study was carried out by a group of 6 and I was one of them. At the initial stage, we planned that this study will have three main parts and these parts will collectively satisfy the objective of the study. Accordingly, the objectives of the study were to gain in-depth understanding of the team, identify the existing supporter base of the team, and perform a comparative study of the sponsors of similar clubs. Finally the task of the study was ro suggest the Manchester Giants with the names of the potential sponsoring companies and an appropriate strategy in order to get sponsors. Primarily, we were a little confused about everyone’s role in the study. In simple words, we were finding difficulties in assigning or allocating the tasks among ourselves. However, we solved this issue by a small group discussion. During this session, the task

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Role of Women in Politics and Power Creation Assignment

The Role of Women in Politics and Power Creation - Assignment Example Merely naming the pejorative stereotypes attributed to Black women (e.g. mammy, the matriarch, Sapphire, whore, bull dagger), let alone cataloging the cruel, often murderous, treatment we receive, Indicates how little value has been placed upon our lives during four centuries of bondage in the Western hemisphere. We realize that the only people who care enough about us to work consistently for our liberation are us. Our politics evolve from a healthy love for ourselves, our sisters, and our community, which allows us to continue our struggle and work. This focusing upon our own oppression is embodied in the concept of identity politics. We believe that the most profound and potentially most radical politics come directly out of our own identity, as opposed to working to end somebody else's oppression. In the case of Black women, this is a particularly repugnant, dangerous, threatening, and therefore revolutionary concept because it is obvious from looking at all the political movemen ts that have preceded us that anyone is more worthy of liberation than ourselves. We reject pedestals, queenhood, and walking ten paces behind. To be recognized as human, levelly human, is enough... ( Williams, Mary, & Emerson 2008)

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Iranian Revolution and the Beginning of the Islamic Republic Research Paper

The Iranian Revolution and the Beginning of the Islamic Republic - Research Paper Example The paper also explores Khomeini as the leader of the revolution, especially his leadership skills and character. The discussion also spotlights some of his decisions that led the country into becoming an Islamic Republic. The paper will utilize, as a background, a number of academic terms studied throughout the semester such as authoritarianism, theocracy, leaders’ personality traits and characteristics and the various forms of repression engaged by governments. The discussion concentrates on both the events that caused the revolution and the revolution itself. It is widely clear about the aftermath of the revolution and what Iran has evolved into, but not too many people are aware of Khomeini’s reasoning and tactics that brought this change. This discussion utilizes political finding theory grounded in the tenet that if those agitating for a revolutionary movement failed to utilize or provide the appropriate opportunities when conditions were ripe, the revolution will fail. It thus follows that a revolution is shaped by essential political opportunities or effective actions made by the leaders. The Iranian revolution in 1979 managed to topple Shah’s absolute dynasty and replace it with a theocracy led by Ayatollah Khomeini. For the first time, the world saw the conception of a new structure of government; one modelled around the concept of wilayat I faqih, which revolves around the thought that everybody requires guardianship in the form of the rule or supervision by the leading Islamic Jurists. Revolutions, Islamic or otherwise, rarely live up on all their promises, and an external enemy can avail a practical diversion for the pressing internal problems. The Iranian revolution did not live up to the people’s expectations. The revolution may have produced a popular and widely accepted form of governance structure; nevertheless, it did not entirely overturn the old order. Although the Iranian revolution managed to topple Pahlavi dyn asty, traces of dictatorship were not entirely eliminated. Khomeini and the Mullahs ended up replacing one dictatorial regime with another. It was a shocking to millions of Iranians who had participated in the revolution in the anticipating that it would surrender more freedom. The ally revolutionaries such as secularists and leftists were equally suppressed by the new Islamic Republic government just as when under Shah’s Regime. The triumph or failure of social movements is principally affected by political opportunities. The political suppression of the Shah Regime led to the creation of a collective determination by inflating opposition against the Regime. Shah introduced changes too soon and radical opposition was inevitable to those who felt that their status quo was threatened. The fall of Shah Regime The root of the revolution can be traced back in part to preceding revolutions such as Persian Constitutional Revolution by liberalists and the White Revolution. It was a protest against what they regarded as efforts to modernise and westernize Iran (January 4). Despite the witnessed economic growth under Shah’s leadership, there was a lot of opposition to Mohammad Reza Shah absolutist monarchy. This antagonism particularly fuelled by the Regime’s military dictatorship and use of the secret police (America trained SAVAK police) to manage the country. Dissatisfaction was alive among the masses, especially arising from the violent crackdowns conducted by the regime (January 6). This in turn, had led to an

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Pythagorean Theorem Essay Example for Free

The Pythagorean Theorem Essay In the world of mathematics, the Pythagorean Theorem is one of the most popular theorems and is widely applied in many problems and applications because of its basic and simple concept. It is a relation in Euclidean geometry relating the three sides of a right triangle. The theorem is named after the Greek mathematician and philosopher, Pythagoras, who lived in the 6th century B.  C.   It is one of the earliest theorems known since the ancient civilizations. The Pythagorean Theorem states that: â€Å"In any right angle triangle, the area of the square   of   the side opposite the right angle i. e. whose side is the hypotenuse   is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares of the two sides that meet at a right angle i.e. whose sides are the two legs.† In other words, â€Å"The square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.† Consider a right triangle ∆ABC with right angle at A. BAC = 90 degrees Then, the square drawn on BC opposite the right angle is equal to the two squares together on BA and AC. Thus,   the sides of a right triangle are related by the squares drawn on them. The Pythagorean Theorem is a statement about triangles containing a right angle. It states that: The area of the square built upon the hypotenuse of a right triangle is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares upon the remaining sides.          Illustratation by numbers Let the sides of the right angle triangle be 3, 4, and 5.    Then the square drawn on the side opposite the right angle is 25, which is equal to the squares on the sides that make the right angle:   9 + 16. The side opposite the right angle is called the hypotenuse.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Thus the theorem can be expressed as the equation: 32 + 42  Ã‚   = 52. This proves the earlier statement which is â€Å"The square on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the other two sides.†    Proofs    This is a theorem that may have more known proofs than any other. Consider a right triangle with sides a, b, and c as hypotenuse.                         Let a, b, and c arrange four of those triangles to form a square whose side is a  +  b as shown above in Fig.  1. Now, the area of that square is equal to the sum of the four triangles, plus the interior square whose side is c. Two of those triangles taken together, however, are equal to a rectangle whose sides are a, b.   The area of such a rectangle is a times b:   ab.   Therefore the four triangles together are equal to two such rectangles.   Their area is 2ab. As for the square whose side is c, its area is simply c ².   Therefore, the area of the entire square is c ² + 2ab   .   .   .   .   .   .  (1) At the same time, an equal square with side a + b (Fig. 2) is made up of a square whose side is a, a square whose side is b, and two rectangles whose sides are a, b.   Therefore the area of that square is a ² + b ² + 2ab But this is equal to the square formed by the triangles, line  (1): a ² + b ² + 2ab = c ² + 2ab. Therefore, on subtracting the two rectangles 2ab from each square, we are left with a ² + b ² = c ². This is the Pythagorean Theorem Works Cited Bell, John L. The Art of the Intelligible: An Elementary Survey of Mathematics in its Conceptual Development. USA: Kluwer, 1999. Dunham, W. Euclids Proof of the Pythagorean Theorem. Journey through Genius: The Great Theorems of Mathematics. New York: Wiley, 1990. Maor, Eli. The Pythagorean Theorem: A 4,000-Year History. Princeton. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2007. Morris, Stephanie J. â€Å"The Pythagorean Theorem.† 2008. The University of Georgia Department of Mathematics Education.   1 May 2008 Spector, Lawrence. â€Å"The Pythagorean Thoerem.† The Math Page. 2008. 30 April 2008 http:// Weisstein, Eric W. â€Å"Pythagorean Theorem.† MathWorld. 1 May 2008. Wolfram Web Resource. 3 May 2008 Theorem.html.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Concept Of Citizenship To A Global View Politics Essay

Concept Of Citizenship To A Global View Politics Essay Global citizenship aims at bringing the concept of citizenship to a global view. it is a term used to cover political, economic, environmental and social actions of global minded people, as well as communities on a global perspective. It is a concept that is aimed at helping people understand the ever changing world. As a concept, global citizenship has a great appeal. It is thus sought by various institutions in an effort to promote world peace and make people responsible global citizens. Due to its world wide scale, global citizenship has other diverse definitions depending on the area of study. This paper focuses on explaining the concept of global citizenship as used in education and business. Global Citizenship Global citizenship can be explained from various points of view. From a personal perspective, global citizenship involves awareness of self as well as awareness of others. According to McIntosh, global citizenship is the ability to view oneself with regard to ones role in the wider world. Additionally, global citizenship emphasizes on the importance of balancing the awareness of ones self realities with the realities of others who are outside ones perceived self. This is an individual dimension, which focus on gaining a reflective understanding for others as well as showing empathy to them. Therefore, this is the starting point to becoming a global citizen from an individual perspective. Similarly, other scholars have also put emphasis on the importance of understanding ones self in relation to the perceptions of other people in explaining global citizenship (Noddings, 2005). Since global citizenship does not impart on the legal status, it is expressed well associatively in a distinct manner from the expressions of citizenship. This implies that global citizenship is the basis for individuals to work, live and act within transnational ethics that defy national sovereignty and boundaries, as well. Individual efforts to becoming a global citizen are voluntary and are thus based on subjective and fluctuating criteria. An individual may opt to take their role in the global arena out of free will. Besides, from and individual definition and understanding of global citizenship, one cannot be forced to respect and value social diversity that exist and varies from one country to another (Luis, 2010). A global social role has to originate from ones inner self and the desire of the self to pursue and view things from a wider world perspective. Another perspective of explaining the concept of global citizenship in based on the roles assumed by various individuals in the international arena. Such individual roles include global reformers, global business elite, global environmentalists, elite global merchants, political conscious regionalists and transnational activists. Each of these global based groups play an active role in fostering global citizenship. Although their roles may be diverse, their collective efforts are geared towards a global responsibility. The major role of global reformers is driving human kind towards one world. They drive the world as one by promoting peace and intense efforts to eradicate social injustices. Other reformers attempt to reach the entire world through various nongovernmental organizations. One such organization is Oxfam international which is aimed at promoting world peace, minimizing poverty levels and dealing with social injustices. Global reformers maintain that the world will soon become a global village give the pace of technological advancements. On the same point of view, people from different corners o the world can connect with each other via social media. The most common social media are Facebook, Twitter, Skype and MySpace. MySpace helps to view the globe from a business point of view by connecting enterprise and merchants through the internet (Darren, 2003). Another group of people are global elite. In specific terms, the global business elite view global citizenship from a business point of view. In this regard, global business elite are constantly seeking better ways of moving their economic ventures in around the globe. On the contrary, they do not seek to take up active global responsibilities. A major challenge that frustrates global business elites efforts is the wide scope of global corporate responsibility. Global corporate responsibility is discussed later in this paper (Lois, 2010). On the other hand, global environmental managers seek global problem solving collaboration. Such collaborations are aimed at dealing with large global concerns. These concerns include global warming as a result of destruction of the ozone layer. Global environmentalists promote a sustainable global environment by setting standards for industrialization. Industries are understood to be the core pollutants of the environment and destruction of the ozone layer. The ozone layer functions to filter and protect harmful sunrays from reaching the surface of the earth. Its destruction by air pollution allows such rays to each the globe thus causing excessive heating of the earth with extremely high temperatures. This is a world concern. Political global elites seek unexplored global community while transnational global activists assume global causes, which may include environmental and human rights protection (Tan, 2005). Explaining global citizenship limits global participation to the economically able. Global citizenship definition based on individual roles thus excludes the role of the poor and those who struggle to survive. Such explanation excludes a large majority of the world people. Lois (2010) provides a more comprehensive definition of citizenship that incorporates the conceptual categories of awareness, responsibility and participation. He defines global citizenship is the individual ability to b aware, take responsibility of their own action and participate by contributing towards a global unity. Awareness, as well as self awareness of the larger world is essential credentials in explaining good global citizenship. Self awareness is the key contributor to awareness. Similarly, awareness leads to recognition of ones global responsibilities as well as moral obligations, which are beyond ones environment. As a result, awareness of ones responsibility leads to participating to promote the global common welfare (Lois, 2010). Global citizenship explanation based on the above three categories of awareness, responsibility and participation offers a more structured way to approach global citizenship. This approach is thus successful for operationalizing the term in faculty led global programs. On the same note, awareness is the most basic of all the three; besides, it is the most realistic and attainable in the short term. A comprehensive global citizenship involves having an individual identity that cuts through various national borders and boundaries and commitment to the common welfare for all. In education, global citizenship aims at equipping students with the necessary knowledge and skills so that they can impact the world in a positive way. It encourages students to be responsible globally. Education for global citizenship is directed at developing students to become active global citizens. Students are taught to adopt the various different cultures in the world. On the same note, a global citizenship education views a global student as one who is well conversant with the wider world and is willing o take an active role as a global citizen. In addition, a global citizen respects and upholds diversity. The current world is diverse. It ranges from the most ancient cultures and traditional way of doing things to the current cultures, which various nation states have adopted today. Global education holds that for an individual to be a global citizen, they must recognize and appreciate diversity and focus on promoting peace and unity in diversity (Robert Katalin, 2011). On the same note, global education equips pupils at an early age with the necessary knowledge to understand how the world operates in different platforms. Such platforms include economically, culturally, politically, environmentally as well as technologically. Besides, global students are expected to take part in activities within a community with a range from local to global levels. By so doing, they are perceived to contribute in making the world a sustainable place. Outraged social injustice is an important trait portrayed by global minded students. Global citizens are accountable for their own actions. That is, they do not blame others for their own action. They are guided by learn think act approach to global citizenship. An individual is expected to earn from their mistakes and take the respective corrective measures (Janet, 2004). Global education institutions have succeeded in creating awareness of other cultures among students. Nevertheless, most international students have developed necessary awareness needed to be a global citizen. This explains why most international students are coping well in international schools. They develop social and interpersonal skills that help them relate with fellow students. On the point of view, global educational equips students with the basis essential skills to appreciate diversity and adapt to foreign cultures with ease. Corporate global citizenship requires businesses corporations to be accountable often referred to as corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility goes beyond considering the norms of the society within which the organization exist to upholding global world values. Global world values involve conservation of world environment. According to Ramon 2010, various businesses have taken corrective measures to check on air pollution to minimize chances of interfering with the ozone layer. Nonetheless, appropriate measure have been put in place to ensure that industrial waste is treated before dispatched to rivers. This ensures that water pollution is addressed to reduce water poising for both human and wild consumption (Samuel Walter, 2009). However, businesses still struggle with a number of world concerns relating to environment, population, poverty, social justice education and health. These concerns still affect nations wellbeing, effectiveness and the productivity of businesses. They also impact negatively on the quality o the world population. Borrowing from the above mentioned issues, businesses are rethinking on their role as global entities. Some are strategizing on how to redress environmental and human capital challenges. Currently, corporate global citizenship entails an understanding and awareness of the future global trends that can affect the world climate for doing business and the global populations quality of life. The business of corporate businesses has moved form the core driver and desire to maximize profits to upholding societal values. Businesses are now actively involved in fostering a sustainable working environment around the globe. Besides, for all multinational, upholding global values and being socially responsible is the key to surviving in the international market. One of the organizations that promote global citizenship is Oxfam International. According to Oxfam, growth in altitude as well as values is based on empathy for others and respect for diversity. On the same perspective, skill development is concentrated upon conflict resolution and critical thinking. Oxfam international also views global citizens as those who are aware of the wider world. Moreover, a global citizen understands how the wider world operates and knows their position and role in the globe. Oxfam further maintains that a global citizen is one who values and respects the many cultures of the world. Nevertheless, a global citizen, in both action and thought, does not support social injustice and is willing to participate in actions directed to counter inequity. As a worldwide organization aimed at minimizing poverty levels and eradicating injustice, Oxfam emphasizes on centers for human rights and the respective elements that need to be fostered in order to secure a greater social justice around the globe. Global citizenship is a wide concept that does not have a generally agreed upon definition. Its definition is derived from the various fields of study and defined according to the discipline of interest. Nevertheless, the major values of global citizenship for any entity are awareness, responsibility and participation.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Dysfunctional Family Essay -- Family Psychology

A dysfunctional family is a group of people usually related by some means, not always necessarily by blood, in which conflict, misbehavior, maltreatment and neglecting create a hostile life for its members. To explain this idea better we will see the definition of family, the differences between a healthy and a dysfunctional family; their characteristics and behavioral patterns. Some examples will help us examine this issue better, taking us to discuss the different factors that contribute to the formation of such families, along with its consequences in today’s society. According to the Dictionary of Contemporary English, a family is a group of people affiliated by consanguinity, formed by a father, a mother and children. On the other hand, its etymology recognizes the Roman Empire to be the first one to define a Family. Ironically, the Romans defined it as a group of people linked, not necessarily by blood or affection. Instead the main link that united the ancient Roman families was labor. According to E. J. Graff in her context â€Å"What makes a Family?† She describes that the ancient families in Europe were primarily created at will, with the only purpose to improve work productivity and patriarchs would adopt grown ups into their families for a better investment. Choice not Biology made a Family. These families would consist of legitimate children, adopted adults, secretaries, other dependents and slaves of various ages. â€Å"The Romans rarely used it to mean family in the sense of kin† writes Roman Family historian Suzane Dixon. Evidently, the word family can have different definitions, depending on the geographic era and the time. However, members of families, either biological or chosen, all throughout history have been ... ...h Services Administration - Homepage. 22 Nov. 2010 . "Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act." Administration for Children and Families Home Page. 20 Nov. 2010 . Colombo, Gary, Robert Cullen, and Bonnie Lisle. "What makes a Family?" Rereading America: cultural contexts for critical thinking and writing. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's, 2007. 26+. Crawford, Christina. Mommie dearest. New York: W. Morrow, 1978. "Family." Longman dictionary of contemporary English. Harlow: Pearson/Longman, 2009. Fortinash, Katherine M., and Patricia A. Holoday-Worret. "Parental Dysfunction." Psychiatric mental health nursing. St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier, 2008. 297+. Obama, Barack. "Family." The audacity of hope: thoughts on reclaiming the American dream. New York: Crown, 2006. 331

Friday, October 11, 2019

Computer network Essay

Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as  justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network   Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology  offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete  network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for  centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access should be segmented from the company POS services. Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized. Connects three office computers and one computer used for Point-of-Sale (POS) services at each of your stores. You also want six (6) computers in the lobby/store where patrons can download music and you can run â€Å"training classes† for people to learn about using MP3 players and get other basic information. The two offices have to be connected into one cohesive network, sharing POS services and other critical company information. You also need to provide a â€Å"hand out† casual area for people to stop in and discuss music and connect wirelessly to the Internet (you might even offer free coffee to entice people to come in to your store). ï‚ · Provides adequate security for all of the company communications and documents (especially sensitive sales documents). All POS services must be protected. All general network access  should be segmented from the company POS services.   Fast and have additional capacity as the company grows Provides for centralized printing Supports the eventual addition of other stores to the network Provides customers with a general information Website and a secure Website where clients can buy services, and products Provides for limited downtime (24 hour downtime maximum) Provides for centralized management and control of the computers in the two stores, so that you can maintain the network from off-site Provides for long-term cost effectiveness Provides a suite of software tools for the employees to effectively communicate and a POS solution for the stores The company does not have any equipment. Your plan should include a complete network and computer system that meets these requirements and future expansion plans. The two store locations will (eventually) be within a five-mile radius of each other. The locations are within a suburban area that has current technological infrastructures and related technology offerings. The stores will need a sales system and print services for invoices. Complete your proposal including costs for computing equipment, network infrastructure, network servers, printers, and related hardware, software, and accessories. Include as much detail as possible as well as justification as to your selections. Diagram and explain your physical network and computer design as well as the logical network design (server installation, domain layout, etc.). As you are a small business, cost is a major factor and should be minimized.